
Cachual is a library that makes it easy to cache the return values from your Python functions with a simple decorator:

from cachual import RedisCache
cache = RedisCache()

def get_user_email(user_id):

Cachual currently supports Redis as the backing cache, but is very easy to extend to other caching backends.


Install the library with pip:

$ pip install cachual


Initialize a cache using the desired implementation, providing the connection information in the constructor if different from the defaults:

from cachual import RedisCache
cache = RedisCache(host='localhost', port=1234, db=5)

The cache object gives you access to the cached() decorator, which you can apply to any function whose return value you want to cache:

def get_user_email(user_id):

If you don’t specify a TTL then Cachual will use the server default, which is probably forever. In most cases you will want to specify a TTL, which is given in seconds:

@cache.cached(ttl=300) # 5 minutes
def get_user_email(user_id):

How it Works

When you decorate a function with the cached() decorator, before the function is executed, the cache will be checked for a prior return value for the same function call. This means that the cache key will be different if the function is called with different argument values.

If the value is found it is immediately returned. Otherwise, the function is executed and the return value is stored in the cache before returning it.

Any cache failures (get or put) are ignored; if the cache becomes nonfunctional and starts raising exceptions, your function will execute normally as if there was no cache.

Key Generation

Keys are generated by first appending the function name to the module where the function resides. After that one of four strings is appended:

  1. If the function is called without arguments, then () is appended.

  2. If the function is called only positional arguments, then the unicode value of each argument is joined with ', ' and surrounded by parentheses. For example:

  3. If the function is called only with keyword arguments, they will be included in key=value form, where value is the unicode value of the argument, in alphabetical order of the keys. For example:

    'my.module.get_user_emails(active=True, age=10, location=US)'
  4. If the function is called with both, the positional argument values will be included first, and the keyword arguments will be included in alphabetical order of the keys after the positional argument values.


Because the unicode value of each argument is used to generate the cache key, you need to be careful that you are consistent in your function calls with respect to the types of your arguments. For example, if you have a function that takes a single argument like so:

def test(a):

Then these two calls will result in the same cache key:


Thus, you should not call your cached function with values for an argument that are different types but have the same unicode value. This is good practice anyway; mixing types for the same argument value can lead to unmaintainable code and unexpected bugs.

Caching Different Data Types

Technically the types of values that your cached functions can return depends on the underlying cache. For example, Redis’s SET only stores strings; thus, if you wanted to return something other than a string from your cached function, you would have to convert the value into the desired datatype if it comes from a cache hit. To get around this limitation, you can provide two additional optional arguments to the cached() decorator.


The unpack argument specifies a function which will be called with the value from the cache in the case of a cache hit. The result will be passed back to the caller.

In this way you can make sure you get back consistent values regardless of whether the value came from the cache (which may store every value as a string) or from the actual function call:

def get_int(value):
    return int(value)

@cache.cached(ttl=300, unpack=get_int)
def get_user_id(email):


What if you want to cache a more complex data type, like a list or a dictionary? You can provide a function to the pack argument, which will be applied before the function’s return value is put into the cache:

@cache.cached(ttl=300, pack=json.dumps, unpack=json.loads)
def get_user_json(user_id):

While the exact way to pack or unpack a cached value depends on the underlying cache being used, Cachual provides a number of functions to unpack strings into common Python data types (since most common cache providers store all data as strings) and pack JSON values (such as dictionaries and lists that only contain basic types) so that you don’t have to write these functions yourself. This allows you to rewrite the examples above:

from cachual import unpack_int, pack_json, unpack_json

@cache.cached(ttl=300, unpack=unpack_int)
def get_user_id(email):

@cache.cached(ttl=300, pack=pack_json, unpack=unpack_json)
def get_user_json(user_id):

For a complete list of these helper functions see Packing and Unpacking Helpers.


Be careful with packing/unpacking. If your pack/unpack functions have unintended side effects (such as changing the encoding of the value) you may get different results when you retrieve values from the cache. Generally it is best to keep things as simple as possible - don’t try to cache complex Python datatypes (such as custom objects), and keep your pack/unpack functions very simple (or use the helpers!). Make sure you understand how the underlying caching system and library deals with your data, particularly when it comes to encoding. For example, Redis will encode your value as a bytestring if possible, falling back to the unicode representation otherwise (which is why you need to use the pack/unpack functions as above for dictionaries).

API Documentation


class cachual.CachualCache

Base class for all cache implementations. Provides the cached() decorator which can be applied to methods whose return value you want to cache. This class should not be used directly, and is meant to be subclassed.

Subclasses should define a get method, which takes a single string argument, and returns the value in the cache for that key, or None in the case of a cache miss; and a put method, which takes three arguments for the cache key, the value to store, and a TLL (which may be none) and puts the value in the cache.

cached(ttl=None, pack=None, unpack=None)

Functions decorated with this will have their return values cached. It should be used as follows:

cache = RedisCache()

def method_to_be_cached(arg1, arg2, arg3='default'):

A unique cache key will be generated for each function call, so that different values for the arguments will result in different cache keys. When you decorate a function with this, the cache will be checked first; if there is a cache hit, the value in the cache will be returned. Otherwise, the function is executed and the return value is put into the cache.

Cache get/put failures are logged but ignored; if the cache goes down, the function will continue to execute as normal.

  • ttl (integer) – The time-to-live in seconds. For caches that support TTLs, the keys will expire after this time. If None (the default), the cache default will be used (usually no expiration).
  • pack (function) – If specified, this function will be called with the decorated function’s return value, and the result will be stored in the cache. This can be used to alter the value that actually gets stored in the cache in case you need to process it first (e.g. dump a JSON string that is properly escaped).
  • unpack (function) – If specified, this function will be called with the value from the cache in the event of a cache hit, and the result will be returned to the caller. This can be used to alter the value that gets returned from a cache hit, in case you need to process it first (e.g. turn a JSON string into a Python dictionary).
class cachual.RedisCache(host='localhost', port=6379, db=0, **kwargs)

A cache using Redis as the backing cache. All values will be stored as strings, meaning if you try to store non-string values in the cache, their unicode equivalent will be stored. If you want to alter this behavior e.g. to store Python dictionaries, use the pack/unpack arguments when you specify your @cached decorator.

  • host (string) – The Redis host to use for the cache.
  • port (integer) – The port to use for the Redis server.
  • db (integer) – The Redis database to use on the server for the cache.
  • kwargs (dict) – Any additional args to pass to the CachualCache constructor.

Packing and Unpacking Helpers

These functions are helpers for packing/unpacking common Python data types for a cache which stores everything as a string.


Pack the given JSON structure for storage in the cache by dumping it as a JSON string.

Parameters:value – The JSON structure (e.g. dict, list) to pack.
Return type:string
Returns:The JSON structure as a JSON string.

Unpack the given string by loading it as JSON.

Parameters:value (string) – The string to unpack.
Returns:The string as JSON.

Unpack the given string into an integer.

Parameters:value (string) – The string to unpack.
Return type:integer
Returns:The string as an integer.

Unpack the given string into a long.

Parameters:value (string) – The string to unpack.
Return type:long
Returns:The string as a long.

Unpack the given string into a float.

Parameters:value (string) – The string to unpack.
Return type:float
Returns:The string as a float.

Unpack the given string into a boolean. ‘True’ will become True, and ‘False’ will become False (as per the unicode values of booleans); anything else will result in a ValueError.

Parameters:value (string) – The string to unpack.
Return type:bool
Returns:The string as a boolean.